When it comes to automating processes in BIM, each solution has its own specifications.

(Dynamo, Grasshopper etc…) are simple and easy visual programming tools to learn. Because of their simple and uncomplicated environment, designers and architects that work with BIM and want to automate some tasks by themselves, start their programming journey, most often choose these tools. However the application area of this tool is restricted.

For instance, Dynamo provide a simple way to specify how things work, while keeping our design data locked up safely. This makes our code consistent, and safe. It provides real consistency for the clients, developers and managers. And it's just like building a product, which means less bugs and enjoyable design process.

Dynamo benefits could be stated as follow:

 Generative design

Sure, coding doesn't have the bad reputation it once did, but for most of us it is a daunting and frustrating task, often fraught with errors, bugs, and cumbersomeness.For advanced developers that work in BIM departments, Dynamo looks very messy. For them codes are more structured by using programming languages.

In regards to the low running speed of the Dynamo scripts sometimes, programmers prefer to code with more conventional methods that consist of structuring and executing their codes far away from a dedicated IDLE. Furthermore, Revit and other BIM software provide open API that allows programmers to optimize and automate repetitive tasks, directly, by integrating them to the software environment. Hence the advantage of the conventional developing method and tools.